'use client'; import Image from 'next/image'; import useSWR, { Fetcher } from 'swr'; type ListenBrainz = { payload: { listens: { track_metadata: { track_name: string; artist_name: string; release_name: string; }; }[]; }; }; const fetcher: Fetcher = (...args) => fetch(...args).then((res) => res.json()); export default function Home() { const { data, isLoading } = useSWR( 'https://api.listenbrainz.org/1/user/yaemiku/listens?count=1', fetcher ); return (
My Picture

Nikola Kubiczek

{isLoading ? ( <> ) : ( Last song I have listened to:
- {data?.payload.listens[0].track_metadata.artist_name}

About me

Currently studying pure mathematics at the University of Warsaw and doing commissions on the side. I had been considering studying computer science but decided not to - mathematics is the love of my life and an absolute passion.

In my free time I love listening to music - be it on headphones, speakers or by going to a local concert. I'm very into various brews, almost anything apart from alcohol could be my cup of tea. Green and white teas, matcha, yerba mate, etc. You name it. I quite like to knit/crochet, but find myself always not having enough time. I also tinker with my servers a lot - I have a few services set up and I love to play with configuring them or adding new ones.

I think self-expression and emotional maturity are really important. I live to love. To experience life with the ones I love.


Feel free to message me. Here are a few links, that might prove useful sometimes And if you'd want to send me any crypto
  • cosmos1gy6tg8jaf4qwmpug8jp8kqnyy9en3lmjxq0twf
  • 46MiubQK8psbDWys429WvTQ71DyDiLkKmSLznoDYYFQbA6MfTvuVRJzSAbCCA17n8RGjCojx5GcpKH3q1DbpKJaQPCVcabi
); }